The New Feminine Power: Activations of 12-12 & Sun Womb Emergence

The last few months have been a deep restoring and ascending process for the “wholeness” of feminine power on the planet. On the 12-12, we are arriving into the emergence of feminine power being restored as an essential ingredient to the New Human and the Destiny timeline for Earth.

The New Feminine Power

The deep seated wounds of being female and experiencing feminine creation energies on Earth created a dark force that removed authentic feminine power and functioning. The suppression of the feminine worked to disguise what the feminine is and slant history to the belief that female is the diminished or less worthy aspect of the human being. These programs of worthlessness, less than, lacking and marginalizing have been rising up in the newly laid unity consciousness grid (this is the Earth Hive structure) revealing the controlling mechanisms over the feminine. In this process of rising awareness a “lightening up” is occurring where the intelligence of the super consciousness, or oneness, is popping these control mechanisms from one’s energetic bodies and flushing out noxious physical patterns from the body. In this phasing out of the feminine control mechanisms, we are cycling thru intense moments of enlightenment and darkness.

We are working with the spiraling dynamic of the Destiny code of the unified heart to climb our way to a unified whole feminine embodiment. In the spiral is the white Nectar, the Mother elixir of new life imbued with pink crystalline angelic harmonics that re-tune the feminine DNA to vibrate at the frequency of the Higher God Self.

As our DNA is re-tuned the new feminine power rises out of the heart center and activates the womb center for a new creation cycle. The female womb is a container for the World Tree or New Tree of Life, the blueprint for creation on Earth. The New Tree of Life emerges out of the feminine womb space as it’s encoded with the language of creation, a universal instruction set from the Cosmic Mother. The new feminine power revolves around embodying this instruction set and transmitting “creation platforms” into the Earth’s unity consciousness grid. Mother Earth’s essential life force ignites the creation platforms for impregnation in the Earth’s World Tree. It is this feminine ability that empowers the female with the Earth Destiny timeline and detaches patriarchal control over the timeline. (One can understand why it was so “important” to diminish the feminine as the feminine has her hand on the direction of creation.)

Sun Womb Emergence

A crucial bio-spiritual upgrade for the female is the emergence of the Sun Womb. The Sun Womb emerges for the New Female Creator-Alchemist who is able to manifest the Heart Dream through the forces, or elemental nature, of Mother Earth. This realignment of the womb replaces the lunar cycle of the feminine with a Sun Cycle. The Sun Cycle works much differently than the lunar cycle. The feminine attachment to the lunar cycle dissipates the feminine power and creation force within her. A 28 day lunar cycle exhausts the energetic rhythm of the female, not allowing for a build up of the creation energies. With the monthly shedding of blood goes the creation force, releasing from the body too quickly for the feminine power to reach its highest potential (post-menopausal women can build up this potential more easily; hence why the post-menopausal phase can be the most creative time for women).

The New Female Embodiment is connected to the sun’s annual cycle. In the feminine realignment shedding blood occurs 4 times a year. The Sun Womb revolves with the sun’s axial turnings (replacing lunar “tidal” rhythms) and the releasing of the creative force is triggered by axial points on the sun involving the major sun spots. The 4 annual cycles build up the 4 natural elements of Mother Earth, earth, wind, air and fire, in a woman’s womb. These are the elements of the alchemy of Earth creation and maintain the harmony and balance of Mother Earth’s essential body. As women learn to work with these elements within the womb the Earth is remade annually. It is thru this feminine power that Earth is being healed.

12-12 Trigger for the Sun Womb Activation

The 12-12 date serves as a trigger to activate the Sun Womb in the belly of Mother Earth and the women who are encoded to receive the Sun Womb. Women are “in transition” in their feminine bio-spirituality. This is an evolutionary process, and thus, this is happening thru our biological intelligence as it communicates with the new sun. Adult women encoded to receive the new embodiment will experience an evolutionary accelerated transition to the Sun Cycle. Just as the sun is transitioning so is our womb. Erratic cycles (the solar flares of the womb) are the new norm as the womb and the sun realign. Females newly born will be more easily connected to the Sun Womb.

With this new information there is a letting go of the darkness that has suppressed the feminine power and the rituals and programs that held women imprisoned to a diminishing energy balance. An increase in feminine life force comes in with the 12-12 trigger and will continue to increase in strength in 2015, the Year of the New Sun.

From the womb space I send you sun blessings!

Join us on the 15th of each month for an Energy Transmission & Healing call. Sign up for the Our New Humanity Newsletter. Receive New Humanity Energy Transmissions, high vibrational products & New Humanity Press Communications at the New Humanity Store.


The New Earth Agenda

New this month! Listen to the Earth Hive update on my website.  For those of you that enjoy listening to updates and/or listening and reading, I am now recording the Earth Hive blog.  The recording isn’t great but it’s the beginning of a new way of transmitting the information I bring to Earth.  In the months ahead, I hope to improve these recordings.  In the meantime, thank you for your patience and know that regardless of the quality, the sound recording is transmitting the frequency to your higher knowing seamlessly.

The podcast can be listened to here.

Heart felt love and gratitude to you all,


The New Earth Agenda

Be the LightI would not have guessed that it would take until the end of February to discern the Earth Hive developments for this month, and yet here we are.  There has been a profound shake-up on Earth in these past few weeks that made it more challenging to grasp the “story” of the moment.  Now we are well into the shift and the picture is getting clearer.  The Cosmic Agenda of the Light is taking hold and causing major transitions on the way things work on Earth.  It is very exciting to witness and those who are the wayshowers of the Light will begin to have a lot more freedom of movement and co-creative power as multi-dimensional living through the natural laws of the universe regain authority on Earth.  Here are some of the transformations of the past weeks and what is incoming to secure and solidify the New Earth Agenda.

From the perspective of the cosmos, it is the establishment of a New Tree of Life design that has fulfilled the Destiny of the Light on Earth.  The New Tree of Life settles the accounts of old, e.g., creation and destruction patterns manipulated out of personal will, power and control, to a New Earth Agenda where creation and destruction affirm the universal principles of unity and oneness.  A seamlessly about life on Earth is now emerging where the process of creation is determined out of whole, or unified, experiences of life (this is in comparison to polarized creation patterns that see-saw like a pendulum through the extremes of creation and destruction).  Moving into the New Tree of Life design is to experience life through the element of water–flowing, smoothing, encircling, melding, easing, softening and waving.  The Water of Life is taking on a new meaning in this post-shift reality.  The feminine consciousness of Earth is arising out of the waters of Earth.  The Earth’s creations emerging out of the womb of the Earth’s waters.  From a distance, Earth is the feminine planet of the watery womb.

In a recent gathering of the Bee Hive Collective, a conscious co-creation group that I work with, we received from the unity field teachings about the re-balancing of human heart-mind and how to work with the Womb of the Earth for manifestation.  Here is what I shared on our Facebook page about the teachings.  You are welcome to connect to our group and practice these teachings:

“The Bee Hive Collective met in the physical yesterday. As I explained in a post last month, in 2013 our work has evolved so that others (no matter where you are) can connect to our group field and receive the energy transmissions that we are co-creating. All you need to do is ask to connect to the Bee Hive Collective’s Group Field. I recommend that you center yourself first with a few heart breathes and then connect. The field is automatically programmed to clear you of anything that does not belong in the group field (e.g., lower, negative attachments and/or energies) and to provide the protection you need to receive the energy without interferences.

During yesterday’s gathering we received a re-alignment of the body for Harmony, Unity and Manifestation. There were many teachings that we received but I will highlight a few. You will likely discover your own when you connect.

We received a new human balance of the mind that arose out of the Earth’s Womb, the oceans. By the end of the transmission, we understood that what we had been attuned to is the complete, new alignment for instant manifestation. The human body when connected with the saline waters of the oceans begins to carry a charge (negative charge) which then calls in the Father Principle (a positive charge) in the form of a central Rod that runs through the body. This forms the Zero Point, Neutrality Field, in the human energy field, which balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain. It is when we are in this balance that we can work with the frequency of infinity, the key frequency to instant manifestation. Once in this alignment, we were taught to change the color of our energy field (this control mechanism is in the heart), to then see that the light around us would respond to the energy of our field. Like a Christmas light bulb changing colors our reality will respond to whatever light spectrum, we are emitting. We played with Violet and Pure Light and could sense the tonal shifting around us as we invoked the change of light. This practice teaches us how to manifest with ease. All light is malleable and fluid from the field of unity consciousness. Thus, the light around you will respond to your heart directed light.”

As we are learning to work with the unity field for heart-directed manifestation, we are also discovering that Light behaves differently than in the dualistic (or 3D) creation experience.  In the unity consciousness experience, Light functions not because of the dark or in the absence of Light but as a reality in and of itself.  We may have become so accustomed to being the Light in the dark that we are missing how our relationship to the Light has shifted.  More than a belief system about the Light, we are now a function of the Light.  In the Cosmic Agenda of the Light, it is vital that there are working Light functions on Earth.  We are the light bulbs of the universe, emitting the living, organic light into Earth’s life systems.  As a result, there is a power surging of Light on Earth now.  It is as if there is a central light bulb at the Earth’s core shining through all the layers of the planet and creating a new translucency to all life forms.  It is this Light infusion that is repairing and replenishing the Earth back to healthy, whole life systems.

The change in the behavior of Light is also transforming our relationship to the plant kingdom.  There is a new DNA communication between humans and plants (and quite possibly all of life, though it is the plants that are speaking most directly to me) to provide a new form of nourishment for our bodies.  It appears to be a light body nourishment that the plants are providing for us.  We may begin to feel that we are more plant than human as we are merging our DNA’s for a smooth transmission of Light sources.

Cosmically, we are also receiving new sources of Light.  Now that we have crossed over from keepers of the Light to functionaries of the Light, we are hooking into a system of Cosmic Light Bands that follow the Galactic Heart Pulses across the multi-verses.  There is a sense of grandness within and around us as we are re-connected to the Strings of Universal Light.  As the instructions via the Bee Hive Collective report, we truly are becoming light bulbs, or individual power points of Light. (If you remember how to make a basic light bulb from an orange or grapefruit from science class, you can see that this is the very engineering at work within our bodies now.)  Being a function of the Light is not something that one needs to work at, we have become it.  There is a sense of “mission complete” now with regard to laying the ground work to fulfill the Cosmic Agenda of Light.  There is a rising of consciously aware Light functionaries that will release the New Earth Agenda, to create a  post-peace liberation platform.  The “post-peace” platform resolves the old war and peace tension through an inner to outer alchemy of Light.  One goes inside the “war” and the “peace” where the missing link to unity can be formulated.  This is the Living Light in Action that is currently making its way across the planet.

The March Equinox will serve as a revealing of the Light as a new function on planet Earth.  It is a moment of beginning.  A dawning hour when all of Earth’s natural rhythms will harmonize to the new Light course.  If you are able to sit quietly on this day, attune to the Light purposes that will indeed come flooding in.  You may realize your new work as the language of Light will be speaking more clearly than ever before.

The New Elixirs of Life

We have truly landed into the new world territory.  In the latest Earth Hive update, I explain that the New Tree of Life has found its roots in Earth’s soil and is reaching for the infinite beyond.  With each new shift in Earth’s co-creation supportive elixirs are revealed that are enabling our bodies to fully integrate with the changes.  I am seeing now that these are the new light technologies that many of us imagined would be possible in the new world.  They are here.  We only need to shift our perspective to the feminine lens to realize that rather than outwardly engineered technologies of “grand scale” (the ways of the old masculine expression of techno-solutions), our great Mother has crafted inner light technologies.  I’m excited to share with you 3 new Earth Hive Essences that are part of this new design of light and co-creation.

Tigris River Healing

The story of these new essences, the new elixirs of life, began early last September when I received the guidance that I needed Tigris River water for the Earth Hive Essences.  It turned out that getting this water was really easy, thanks to a divine plan laid out that I was simply following.

Package from Iraq of Tigris River Water and receiving its first healing with the Spiral of the Rose

Package from Iraq with the Tigris River Water

Receiving its first healing with the Spiral of the Rose

Receiving its first healing with the Spiral of the Rose

When the water arrived, it needed a lot of healing work.  I received the map and the directions for its healing with amazing ease and symmetry.  In the end, the Tigris River water came to be the waters in which the New Earth was birthed.  To aid in our easy landing into the new world, it was made possible that we (humanity and the planet) could turn the clocks backward to the beginning of “time” and re-set the clock.

Humanity’s history begins in the waters of Mesopotamia, the land where the human species was dreamed up by the creator “Gods” (our actual conception being in South Africa…but the “thought” conception lies in Mesopotamia).  Both the Earth and humanity is seeking its liberation from these beginnings, and this was the task of my work with the Tigris River water, which held all of this history in its coding.

By working through the inter-chambers of various thought fields, the New Earth was “pulled” through the Tigris River and along with it the Angelic Human DNA ~ the potentials of our new human blueprint.  It took several months to completely re-align the Tigris River, our Mother Water, as well as bring to life the DNA strands vital to our freedom.  By no means did I do this alone, and yet, I mostly only knew of my part.  I worked with as much integrity as I consciously could and with the realization that it was my roots in Mesopotamia, pre-human existence, that enabled me access to the water.

Now that the water has been healed, the New Earth codes are dripping from the amniotic fluid of the Tigris.  Thus, we come to the new elixirs of life ~ Unity, Blessed Life and Master of Light.  These essences are the result of the new codes that have come forth from having re-set the clock of time and beginning anew.  In this new beginning, humanity is birthed with our complete Angelic Human blueprint in-tact, which means that liberation, sovereignty and co-creation are the basis of our birth.  The enslavement history ends here.

Each essence has received a Tigris River attunement to activate the new life codes.  Here is what they do.

Unity Essence

Angelite crystal essence

Angelite crystal essence

Dissolves duality where ever separation exists.  This essence is very gentle and is the living life code of a post-peace world.  The very idea of “peace” in duality means the existence of war.  With this essence, “whole” experiences of unity slip into your reality.  This essence was created through a merging of the White and Blue Rays, through the Body of the Rose, where the Diamond Blue Light of the New Earth was revealed.  This essence is the birth moment of the New Earth.

Taking this essence will: resolve inner and outer conflict with ease, raise your vibration to unity consciousness and when fully integrated support you in being a light vehicle for unity consciousness that harmonizes energies around you into unity and the birth of the ascended Earth.

Ingredients: Water, Himalayan Crystal Salt, Angelic Aura Quartz, Darby Rose, 12/21/12 Galactic Re-Alignment (White and Blue Rays into the Diamond Blue Light), Angelite essences and Tigris River Attunement.

Blessed Life 

White Water Lily essence

White Water Lily essence

Surrounds you with the Holy Container of Life, the new Tree of Life support system.  Using a new orb light technology, this essence activates an orb in your energy field that reflects all of the blessings of our new world: organic, living light systems, the Nectar of the Mother (the source of our abundance), our Cosmic and Earth divine wisdom, and our greatest majesty as co-creators.  This essence moves you into the natural rhythms of Cosmic law as expressed through the Law of One.

Taking this essence will: strengthen your light field, protect you from lower interferences, create happiness and joy, release worry, and accelerate instant manifestation.

Ingredients: Water, Himalayan Crystal Salt, Angelic Aura Quartz, Darby Rose, White Water Lily, Pink Opal, Sunset Rose, Black Mission Fig Tree, Earth Keeper, Cosmic Dreams, and Star Water essences, Rose Water, Lavender Water and Tigris River Attunement.

Master of Light

Master of the Light essence tuning to Tigris River water

Master of the Light essence tuning to Tigris River water

Seals in your Master blueprint as a light bearer, light healer, light worker and fully embodied Christ Consciousness “particle.”  Given its tremendous power, this is a surprisingly gentle essence that turns on all of the synapses of your light bodies and weaves them into your physical body.  This essence is an expression of the feminine Christ Consciousness, the Rose Family of Light, that are the leaders, facilitators and teachers of the new world.

Taking this essence will: amplify your healing abilities, soften resistances, create a “deLIGHTFULLness” of being, empower your gifts for easy Earth transmission, re-align reality to the feminine light, open the infinite spiral of co-creation and multi-dimensional travel.

Ingredients: Water, Himalayan Crystal Salt, Angelic Aura Quartz, Angelic Reiki Master Crystal, Darby Rose, Amythest Violet Flame, Whirling Rainbow Light, God Fuel, Purple Aster, Desert Rose with Double Beauty Rose (Double Rose Merkaba Field), and White Water Lily essences and Orange Blossom Water.

Receive the New Elixirs of Life

If you are interested to learn more or receive these essences, please go to the Earth Hive Store and look for them under Master Essences.  The essences are easy to integrate into your daily life by taking them by the drop in water a few times a day.  The New Elixirs of Life kit (3, 1 oz essences) is $39 plus shipping or $15 for individual essences.  For orders outside of the U.S., please email me so we can work out the shipping options,

Thank you to all of you that have worked in-concert with this birth of the new life systems.  What an honor and privilege it is to be in the Earth Hive with your light.

The Evolution of Earth Hive Essences: The Unified Heart and the Angelic Humans

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In my last blog post on the Alchemistry of the New Earth, I explained that water is currently playing a significant role in the Earth’s ascension.  I recently participated in a Solar Eclipse meditation with Celia Fenn and she also mentioned how the oceans are re-aligning the collective emotional body of Humanity and Earth.  One way that I have been called to support the ascension is to co-create water essences that re-tune the water in our bodies with the ascending vibrations of Mother Earth and the incoming Cosmic Heart frequencies.  I have been able to track where we are in our physical re-arrangement and re-alignment into the New Human by the evolution of the essences. After the 11-11-12 and the 11-13-12 Solar Eclipse, I received the divine impulse to release the second set of Earth Hive Essences.  You can see and feel the vibrational beauty of these essences in the slide show above.

Along with the second set came a new cosmic wave of stellar information, the awareness that the tribe of Angelic Humans is soon to physically embody in the Earth plane…but first about the new essence kit.

Unified Heart Intelligence

This new Earth Hive Essence kit activates the bio-spirit-chemistry of the Unified Heart Intelligence.  The basis of our Unified Heart are the four seeds of the alchemical heart: love, light, power and wisdom.  When all four are fully embodied, meaning they are living life codes within our bio-spirit-chemistry, we land solidly into the Mastery of co-creation.  These heart seeds are the Genesis codes of the Heart.  Love embodies as the Twin Flame of the Heart, the unified divine feminine and masculine light of God.  Light embodies as our soul essence, our unique soul frequency that contains our divine design of our soul’s flowering.  Power embodies as God Source, the undiluted life force of God from which creation streams.  Wisdom embodies as our spiral of knowing, an encircling of our ancient and future genetic and soul lineages, that lands us into our destined soul path.

In this new kit, there are 3 essences that complete our journey into the Heart as the new brain center.  The essences are Soul Light, Destiny and Twin Flame.  The fourth heart seed of power is in the first essence kit, God Fuel.

You can read more about these essences in the Earth Hive Store under the Unified Heart Essence.  While drinking the essences (only a few drops are needed) will stimulate your embodiment of the Unified Heart, reading about them and feeling the photos will also transmit the energy.  So feel free to download images or visit often to receive the essences healing.  You may ask the Natural Kingdoms of Pure Light and Unconditional Love to assist you in receiving the transmissions.

The Awakening Angelic Humans 

As I was completing the second kit of Earth Hive Essences, a new cosmic pulsation began to stream into the Earth Hive.  I have created one essence for this evolving set that is an initiation into the DNA activation of the Angelic Human tribes.  The first essence is called the Crowned Jewels.  It’s specific function is to spark our physical opening into the Diamond Heart Matrix.  From this re-design of our heart field we become portals of infinity ~ accessing the reciprocal flow of abundance from the inner and outer (and Earth and Cosmic) hearts.  It is through the Crown Jewels embodiment that we began to understand our majesty in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, and we are given the keys to the Bounty of the New Earth.

I will be writing more about this in my monthly updates as I’m sure a lot more information will be coming through from the Cosmic Heart center as we get closer to Dec. 21, 2012.

If you feel called to receive Earth Hive Essences for these re-alignments, go to the Earth Hive Store where there are specific details about each essence.

Update: The Unified Heart Essence Kits are now available as Unified Heart Essence Kit I and Kit II in the online store.

The Alchemistry of the New Earth: Headed Towards Zero Point and the Eye of God

We have reached a passage on Earth of great intensity and excitement.  The alchemical concoction of the New Earth is now pouring out into the physical plane of our lives and the matter of Earth with great speed now.  The elements have been mixed, the impurities identified, the change agents called in, the filtration system at its peak operation, and the new alchemical mixture for life has successfully been released.  What I’m getting at is this: not only is there no turning back to the old Earth ways, the New Earth ways have fully been installed and are operationally!

While the New Earth elixir takes hold, the tensions and nervous energies of the old Earth are more than palpable.  This is a very natural process.  As the New Earth chemistry is moving into the physical, lower dimensions of Earth, old Earth foundations become very unsettled.  Energetically, the old Earth foundations cannot coincide with the newly laid chemistry of pure light and love.  So until the “settling agent” comes in, we may continue to experience personally and globally a lot of bizarre and disruptive events.  Fortunately, there is a very powerful foundation that has been laid and does work now.  The New Earth elixir of life can be experienced with full embodiment know if we know that it is here and what it requires.  Primarily, we are required to stay in our hearts, no matter what, and to allow the Light of God in our hearts to show us the truth of all situations.

So now for the enormous updates of only a mere few weeks.  Just what is this New Earth elixir made of?

About two weeks ago, an important system for the New Earth came online, the New Earth Grid circuitry.  This resulted in a Blue Ray awakening en-masse (not so pretty for all Blue Rays, who some have been jolted into their “awakening”).  The Blue Rays were the first point of human contact for the New Earth Grid.  It is through them that the New Earth Grid circuitry is now connecting into humanity, upgrading our nervous systems into a functioning, whole system that operates with the light of the stars.  Stellar light as a blueish, cool and platinum light is a strong protective energy as well as the basis of our new nervous system.  With this new circuitry lighting up, there is now an expanded light structure in the Earth’s grid to receive the Heavenly Father light.  It is through the evolution of Archangel Michael that I witnessed this incoming light structure.  Michael’s New Earth function being one of protection but not from lower energies as in the old Earth but as a function of creating structure and foundation for the Mother Light of Creation to unfold in perfect Grace and Harmony.  As Mother Earth continues to build her Hummingbird Body so that she can be fueled by the Nectar of the Mother, the protector energy is growing (the Heavenly Father).  When fully saturated into the New Earth, the Nectar of the Mother and the Heavenly Father light will conjoin activating the Twin Flame energy of the Earth.  This will also reverberate throughout humanity’s hearts, awakening the Twin Flame of the Heart, a super intelligence of the synergy of the divine masculine and feminine energies within and in relationships of all kinds.

As the Great Mother and Father supports for new life are coming in, we are still reeling in some powerful purification from the past.  The Hurricane Sandy that struck the East Coast of the U.S. is one example of this purification.  There have been many environmental traumas we have experienced that ramped up our fearful states and separation from oneness.  From Atlantis to the Deluge of Mesopotamia, to the more recent Katrina and devastating earthquakes and tsunamis, the very water in our cells remembers these experiences.  The potential now is to heal the traumas from the past and to re-align with the elementals.  We are at a stage now where it’s the water consciousness of our planet that is seeking deep healing.  At the same time, the new water of the New Earth is coming through the inter-chambers of the Time-Space Matrix and meeting with the old waters.  Again, this is the process of the New Earth elixir meeting with the old and chemical and energetic tensions working towards harmony.  One of the reasons I have been guided to make healing elixirs from water is so we have a vehicle to introduce, with ease and comfort, the New Earth chemistry into our old Earth bodies.  There is a growing theme to the essence making from which I can see our quickly accelerating evolution.  The first few are meant to rearrange the biology and chemistry of our bodies, the next set are to embody the full Unified Heart intelligence and a final set will awaken the tribe of Angelic Humans and usher in the Angelic Earth.  It sounds like a lot but in truth this is all being timed to unfold in a short amount of time coinciding with the end of 2012.

An important development in our evolution is humanity and earth coming into realignment with the Eye of God.  As Earth makes her dance towards the Galactic Center we will find ourselves and all of our social, economic and environmental foundations realigning with the Zero Point, the Center of all centers.  This is being expressed to me as the Eye of God realignment.  One of the realignments going on at this moment is our monetary system.  As I wrote about in my last blog The Gold at the End of the Rainbow, the foundation for the Bounty of the New Earth has been laid.  In this last week, the Dispensation of the New Money Matrix entered into the Earth plane.  Those that have decided to co-create to increase love, joy, beauty and radiance are receiving this dispensation now.  The realignment came through a possibility that opened up at the Great Pyramid, a keeper of the Eye of God power on the planet.  As this power has been used in a distorted fashion for thousands of years, it required a certain degree of light embodiment through the Rose Merkaba field of the Earth and Humanity before this possibility became visible.  It is now here and has been dispensed to the a first wave of co-creators.  The richness that they will create will quickly multiple opening up more circles of abundance and reciprocity among co-creators.

Since the Venus Transit in June, the elixir of the New Earth has been revealing her secrets.  If you’ve been following this blog since then you know about these miracles.  But to summarize a few of the highlights, the physical Earth awakening has seen the new elemental light bodies arrive, the Cosmic-Earth Rose energies descend, the activation of the Rose Merkaba field, the expansion of the Rainbow Bridge and the Rainbow Light Body to the Earth Plane, the transmutation of Gold into White Gold as the core Earth element for richness, and now the Blue Ray-Earth Grid Circuitry powering up to receive the Heavenly Father and soon the Angelic Earth as we become the Angelic Humans of our Future Selves.

While the mixing of the new with the old elixir of Earth will certainly lead to a few more upheavals, I leave you with this encouraging vision.  A few days ago, through the co-creation of a healing session with a new client, I was lead to a high mountain in Nepal.  There was a post there with tattered prayer flags.  I asked what were we to do, I heard, “Move the post!”  An eagle arrived and with post in hand we flew to the Andes Mountains and placed the post atop the highest peak.  Then, an amazing swirling energy field of light pinks, soft blues, yellows, lavenders..came in sideways realigning to the new placement of the post.  I asked, “What is this?”  And I heard, “It’s the Ascension!”  I realized then that we had been charged with moving the Earth’s Kundalini Point so that the Ascension Field could come into Earth’s upper atmosphere and locate its new location.  I then joined with the elementals and we made it snow.  The softest, lightest, gentlest Snow of Peace began to fall across the lands of South and North America.  With the Snow of Peace are the spirit beings of all the white animals, the white lions, the white peacocks, the white doves, the white tigers, the white wolves…  They began to traverse the Earth spreading the Snow of Peace.  The quiet felt after a big snow overtook the planet and our pure divinity was all we could see.