Timeline Jumping & Dimensional Shifting

timelineHello!  It’s so wonderful to be blogging again after the birth of my beautiful daughter Leianna.  We are experiencing so much change right now in the Earth reality that the time is ripe to be transmitting messages again.  Before I dive into the energy update, I want to let you know about a new, monthly Energy Transmission & Healing Call I will be doing.  It’s the third Monday of every month.  Each month will be a live transmission and a sharing of what we can expect energetically.  You can sign up for September’s call here.

8/8 Timeline Jump

Beginning on the 8/8 there was a consciousness shift that became available to humanity.  This shift involved upgrading to the New Money Matrix (go here for a free energy transmission to receive the New Money Matrix upgrade) and activating a “loop” on the evolutionary, Ascension Timeline on Earth.  Once activated this “loop” pulls us up in frequency and in “time”.  The impact of connecting into this timeline leap is an acceleration of time, events and healing.  You may be experiencing a rapid integration of new revelations, illusions breaking down and healing.  It’s also important to realize that in such a timeline jump, we can experience deeper polarities of reality with the Ascended Reality–Heaven on Earth–becoming clearer and experienced while the Descended Reality is shaking off of us through everyday experiences.  We indeed live both!

This is a time to truly let go and allow the rushing of timeline ascensions and descensions to move through us.  Be in the moment and OBSERVE what is happening.  Our ability to have an Eagle’s view of our lives will serve us well now.

Diamond Light Upgrade

In the 8/8 timeline jump, we received a greater influx of Diamond Light Essence into our cells through crystal nodes that have wired into our outer energy body, the Diamond Avatar Matrix body specifically.  In receiving this light upgrade we are realigned into a Diamond Heart, Diamond Mind receptivity.  This causes our antennae to the universe to shift and receive and transmit the Language of Light as a Light Being.

Through our Diamond Heart and Mind receptivity, we are sending signals out to the universe–other celestial bodies, star systems, galaxies, ET life, etc.–of the conditions on Earth.  This happens naturally as the light flowing outward from our Diamond Heart and Mind is filtered through Earth grids, dimensions and energy fields; thus, our light transmissions are encoded with Earth’s information.  With this increase in light transmissions outward from Earth, we are calling in greater and greater Cosmic Light transmissions.  This occurs through the Infinity Frequency Effect where every outward transmission connects to an inward transmission–also the basis of Instant Manifestation in Unity Consciousness.

We are now engaged in two-communication between Earth and Cosmic life like never before, which is bringing in new life forms to Earth (some incarnating as humans and some remaining in other dimensions) that both springboard our evolution and challenge it.  Without a doubt, we need to master our skills as energy beings to smooth out this time of ramped up information exchange.

Dimensionally Shifting

With the 8/8 timeline jump, Earth as a whole landed more solidly into her upper dimensional body, which in turn lands us there as well.  What this means is that we are more able to access our higher consciousness and abilities to perceive behind the veil.  This shift can come to us in many ways such as greater clarity of reality, lucid dreaming, clairvoyance, etc.  For those that have already been in a dimensional space of higher perception, you will find that more and more people are meeting you there–a welcome relief as more who awaken to their higher consciousness will amplify the unity field.  We will see in the coming months many awakening through adversity, and there will be Cosmic help and support once they do.

As we near the Equinox in September, the 8/8 transformations will receive an Earth Expansion Signal that will further amplify the higher dimensional awakening.  This will be a time of more Diamond Light Body-infused businesses and innovations (inventions of healing and social technology, specifically) receiving greater visibility and acknowledgement from the collective-human-Earth energy field.  It will seem as if a light switch is turned on and these ventures will become centrally focused to many communities’ priorities.

Until next time, breathe through your unified heart space…call in the Diamond Light and smile from your inner heart.  Peace BEE with you all.



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Mother”ship” Landing of the Divine Feminine Systems

White Lotus EarthHello again all!  I didn’t expect to be writing another blog so soon after the last, especially as I am in the pre-birthing stages of labor.  Yet, there are new and hugely transformative updates to share.  So I’m sharing these as they are incoming.  This may be a bit raw in style as I’m receiving directly from the Mother Source with little time to digest the “whole” of it.

Mother”ship” Landing of the Divine Feminine Systems

As a result of the Golden Egg (Golden “Ring) Transmission encircling the planet, there’s been an accelerated Earth landing of divine feminine sourced intelligence.  From what I’m gathering this may be in the actual landing of beings that represent the Goddess Family of Light and Wisdom.  In the past few days, these “landings” into the Earth’s soils have picked up and there will be a tidal wave of feminine intelligence moving through the surface layer of the Earth.  This is profound as it will heal, realign, resurrect, reform and re-evolve all the Goddess consciousness on planet Earth.  The process is beginning in the Hall of Records beneath the Great Pyramid where the White Lotus of Feminine Wisdom is being resurrected to sing her vibration again.  Like a tuning fork, the White Lotus’ appearance is re-tuning the Earth’s waters to sing the divine feminine song again.

Beginning with the Nile River and making its way into the archives of Mesopotamian history, the Goddess of humanity’s birth are being brought back to health.  Indeed, what is occurring is not a repeating of history but rather a rising up of the Goddess Power that was buried in rewrites of “time”  and is now surfacing to be revealed as the new path of Enlightenment and Awakening.

Rose Water Transduction

Supporting this new path is a massive opening of the God Fuel channels into Earth’s waters, first, and then, into her plant/floral systems where the Rose energies are transforming the water particles of the entire pollination system on the planet.  As this gets ramped up through a meeting of the new Feminine and Masculine Solar Rays with the Rose waters of the plant system, “Rose Transduction”, the evaporation of the Rose waters, will fill the Earth’s atmosphere, and ultimately all life, with the new divine feminine intelligence.

The bees are gearing up for this unfoldment that they have been aware was coming for quite some time.  They will carry Rose-infused pollen into the underground hives to re-make the underground tunnels that have sourced the birthing process of Earth’s creations for eons.  Most specifically, their job is to re-wire the engineering that has enslaved humanity to an exploitative currency system to one that is feminine sourced.

Once the re-engineering process begins, the Cosmic Mother will activate from the Cosmic Heart the Nectar of the Mother, the new Earth source of sustenance, to spiral into Earth’s core.  This process has been practiced a number of times and now this is the real deal!  The spiral of Nectar will fill the void inside the Earth’s core that has been waiting for the Mother Source, and in turn, will fill the hearts of humanity with the sweetness of life again.

The Nectar Source is Liberated

The Nectar of the Mother is the manna, the milk and honey, the sweet spot of the feminine life giving “succulent” that has been known and held secret by the priests, kings/queens and elite that know how to create life.  The team of Mother”ship” beings are liberating this source for all of humanity through the natural systems of life, the plants, so that it cannot be prevented from its dispersal.  Like pollen in the wind, the Nectar will fly and in the time of one season, life will be renewed through the Nectar and our food system.  Food becoming Holy, Healthy and Whole again.  Seek out these Holy sources of food and you will be transformed through your DNA turning into the Golden Mean Spiral once again (note that our DNA has been spun “off” this divine spiral as a result of the tainted food structure that manipulated the crop DNA and placed the water consciousness under enslavement as a commodified, engineered “factory” for domination over humanity).

Re-writes in the Earth’s Tree of Life Coding & New Life Habits

As this process of massive divine feminine intelligence washes over and through the planet, there will be confusion in the Tree of Life coding (the Tree of Life is the blueprint, or “coding”, that informs Earth how to create and manifest life).  It is a temporary condition as re-writes in the coding are happening.  Think of this as upgrading your computer software program; sometimes it takes a few operations for the bugs to be worked out and the new upgrades to fluidly run.  How this may show up in everyday activities will be odd.  Be prepared for it!  Every human being and natural life form will be undergoing a re-write in their historical DNA.

Practically, we will crave more water, flowers and joy in our lives with everything we do.  We will drop the things that do not bring us joy.  It is these small changes of everyday life that will add up to new life habits and experiences across the collective human family.  We will realize that we are magical co-creators and that our power lies inside the heart where the Nectar sings.  We will do everything to ensure that the Nectar song is heard.  We will no longer allow for anything but the purest of life’s joys to exist in our everyday life.

Happily singing with you all as the Nectar rises, the new Earth Song is sung and the Goddesses lead the way!


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Re-Building the Earth

EarthListen to this Earth Hive update here.

We are beginning to experience and witness some pretty amazing occurrences that are propelling Earth and Humanity into our destined Heaven on Earth experience.  From the Earth Hive perspective, these transformations are about the creation of the new Tree of Life, a sacred geometrical blueprint for life that was “imprinted” into the Earth’s grid with the assistance of the bee consciousness, as well as many light beings, and light elementals in the last year.  We are now at the stage where the blueprint is communicating to various “versions” or timelines/dimensions of Earth to re-capitulate into the New Earth form.  Here are some updates and information about how this process is happening.

Re-Building the Earth

The manifested matter, or life forms, of the new Tree of Life are birthed out of the old Earth forms.  Thus, there are multiple processes at work that we may breakdown into three basic steps.  One, “Dreaming the New Earth”, this step involves the future timelines and higher dimensions of Earth and are ushered in by the new incoming frequencies from the Cosmos.  Dreaming the New Earth occurs in the higher dimensions and is greatly supported by a group consciousness field that encompasses the designers of the universe.  Our higher selves may be part of this group consciousness and we are here to create space for the dream designs.  We serve as anchor points and increasingly as transmitters that call in the dream designs (see: Cosmic Dreams Signatures and the Awakening of the Earth Seeds for when this initiation began).  The dream designs are the foundational blueprints for Earth’s infinite possibilities reality, or the Cosmic Creation Matrix to re-install in Earth as the new operating system.  The Cosmic Creation Field works through unity consciousness, the merging of masculine and feminine principles of creation to create a zero point field, which allows for the freedom of creation through the multiple tones of love resonance.  Love resonance is liberating to life.  Through it the evolution of light patterns occur and creation “upgrades” into higher forms of love, abundance, knowledge, communication, etc.

Two, “Re-ordering and Re-arranging Old Earth Matter and Patterns”, this is the result of the old Earth receiving new communication from the Dreaming the New Earth designs.  We may think of this as a type of recycling system that will breakdown the old matter into parts, and then, re-arrange the parts into a new, useable form.  We are in the midst of a “signal shift” on Earth.  The new Tree of Life design is here and it is sending new signals to Earth on how to manifest life forms.  As so much of our Earth’s life has become intoxicated by poisons and a multitude of imbalances, these new signals are like a sigh of relief.  Rather than dying, these poisoned life forms are finding a new purpose where their poisoned parts are actually the key to the new life forms.  The evolution is in the breakdown of matter that can be culled into a process of cleansing, de-particlization and purification.  Many of us are assisting Earth’s many life forms through this process.  As we de-toxify our own matter, especially when we engage the energies of plants, flowers, herbs, and “super foods” to assist us, there is a co-evolution occurring.  In this relationship we are demonstrating the new patterns of life to our bodies and the connected energy fields of nature.

Third, “Manifesting the New Earth”, this is a process of harmonizing matter and form with the new blueprint.  When the old parts of Earth are freed from their old forms and patterns, they can be sheparded into the unity field, most often by evolving human beings, to be manifested through the unified heart structure of the human, Earth and Cosmic heart field.  Increasingly, it is very clear that it is the human being that is key to manifesting the New Earth.  With the capacity to unify our heart field with the Earth and our Cosmic heart center, we call in the old parts of Earth to re-convene through the heart field of creation, the Cosmic Creation Field.  In the process, we experience the merging of timelines (or dimensions, timelines and dimensions being one and the same) through our heart center to manifest into physical form the New Earth life forms.  We do this in partnership with the spirit bodies of the natural kingdoms, as well as the designers of the universe.

Building the New, Sacred Earth

In the New Earth designs, we are building a unified consciousness that intrinsically links humans to the Earth and vice-versa.  In the old Earth form, or what I call “disrupted Earth” as the current Earth form became severely damaged from its original Ancient design, consciousness and energy systems are not open systems of life.  Rather, we have truncated systems that are struggling to remain in physical form.  We can find pockets of unified nature (e.g., rainforest systems, coral reefs, etc.) but globally these systems are cut-off from one another, as are the family of species as well.  One way that we can re-connect them is through the revival of the spirit bodies of species such as the work that the Bee Hive Collective has been doing, as well as indigenous communities that are maintaining or reviving the sacred practices to communicate with the spirit essences of nature.  By going into the design of Ancient Earth to retrieve the practices, patterns of communication and original light structures of Earth, we can bring them through disrupted Earth to be revealed again in the New Earth creation.  Thus, Ancient Earth design conjoins with New Earth design.

The New Earth design is indeed very new to Earth.  What is being dreamed has never been on Earth before.  I’ve been participating in receiving new designs that are still incoming and will be coming in until early June, at which point the process for re-arrangement and manifestation of these designs will begin.  While it is too early too fully describe what is embodied in these new designs, I can describe what I am essentially gleaning from these light packages.  I understand that the latest designs are connected to what I wrote about in the post on The Gold at the End of the Rainbow and are the basis of a new flower of life design.  The new flower of life design functions through cosmic heart wave frequencies through the Body of the Rose, a Cosmic gift from our new universal life structure, i.e., the very design our new galaxy.  All of life on Earth will, in an essence, breathe through the lungs of the Rose, this is both a consciousness field and a light structure of our Cosmic Mother.  There are many amazing manifestations through this new pattern of “flowering”.  Life is becoming Nectar-based, the dew-like substance of our Cosmic Mother  from which all life drinks to fulfill more and more life.

The New “Currency”

Abundance flows from the Nectar source, and we co-create within this field of abundance.  The design of the flower becomes the very design that we mirror.  Dipping our creations into the Nectar source where the flowering initiates.  We call in the pollinators whose job it is to transform the Nectar into the honey-ed gifts.  Honey has always been associated with “gold”, our oldest form of currency.  The bees worked to “cleanse” the gold of old within the Middle Earth dimensions last year.  We now have re-fined this gold in time for it to be re-connected to the Nectar.  There is the parallel symbolism here of the Gold and Silver, the masculine and the feminine energies of life.  The Nectar oozes of this silvery substance of life, yet, also of a re-newed nature as it is now coming from the Nectar source rather than the lunar source.  Thus, with this new creation system of Nectar to Honey, Silver to Gold, we are embarking on a new territory of an open system of currency that is supported by the new flower of life.  Over the months of June, July and August this open system of currency will begin to take root through transmitters of the Nectar (see: Manifestations of the Heart Core for more information on this).

The Angelic Earth

There is an even bigger picture to the story of re-building the Earth at this time.  We are now getting more and more information about the Angelic Earth, the fully operating, crystalline Earth form.  The Angelic Realm encompasses the sacred geometrical patterns of light that create life.  In order for Earth to vibrate at the frequency of pure light, she is transforming into a crystalline body.  In her crystalline body, the Earth’s core is the “source” for maintaining the health of the planet and communicating to the Cosmos (cosmic life forms, other planetary bodies, etc.) the Earth’s song.  The Earth’s song is like a message in a bottle to the great beyond about who, what and where.  There have been some recent changes to the Earth’s core to enable a crisper song to be sung, the unified heart song of Earth.  The unified heart song is now here and will continue to replicate through various locations in the Earth, merging “up” timelines so as to bypass the disrupted harmonics of Earth.  It is through the crystalline highway of Earth that the Earth’s heart song travels and transmits outward, and then receives a signal back from the Cosmos, matching the unified heart harmony.  Due to this new transmission outward, Earth is now connecting to new “satellites” of cosmic communication that will enable us greater communication with our families of light.

As we re-connect, I wish you all joy in your hearts and magical new creations in the coming weeks!

Cosmic Dream Signatures and the Awakening of the Earth Seeds

Cosmic Earth DreamsDecember 2012 here we are!  As we embark into this month, long awaited by many for a changing of the guard into the light and liberation of Earth and humanity, several new energy pulsations will greatly assist our “popping” into the New Earth.  Over the weekend these pulsations began as a joy stream from the Cosmic Heart.  This is greatly accelerating now as more and more are becoming aware of the rising joy frequency and noticing how it is re-aligning their lives into the dream imagined a long time ago.  While the joy is mixed with some possible confusion about what is happening, we need only to realize that this is our incoming dream to settle the nerves.  From the perspective of way out in the Cosmos (and reaching even further out these days than before), I share with you these developments of the Earth Hive…

With each month in 2012, there has been a growing re-alignment to re-organize, re-arrange, re-assimilate and re-design the collective money matrix on Earth.  In last month’s update, I explained that the New Money Matrix Dispensation began.  This activated new circles of abundance through collective fields of light anchored by those awakened and awakening to their Cosmic-Earth missions.  The dispensation of the New Money is already being received through a myriad of inputs, most notably a new profound understanding among those who will lead the New Earth social, economic, environmental, and political re-construction.  There is either a growing sense of what you are being tasked to do, and, in some cases, absolute clarity about your soul work here.

Paramount to this “awakened” clarity is that you are to serve the Will of God, through the Eye of God connection, as a Christed-Being of Light.  There is no longer “I” in your decision making but “desire” and “willingness” to serve your highest soul light and soul group consciousness.  This is also a realization of the illusion of your existence here being wiped clean.  There is no longer a question or doubt of why you are here.  For this group of awakened humans, the New Earth re-construction has begun.  Plans, strategies, connections, re-alignment of one’s life, etc. are all being made in order to be in position to receive the needed resources to fulfill your destiny.

Two weeks ago, the “vaults” to the Banks were opened.  This was a veiled location that could no longer be held in secret with the growing light quotient on Earth.  Just what this means in terms of how it will manifest for humanity remains to be seen.  From what I received and was led to do in opening the vaults, it was to allow for the free flow of money again.  As we know there are abundant resources on Earth to meet our needs, yet this was never the plan of the elite and the numerous off planet beings who are not walking the Ascension timeline.  With this influx of money, new possibilities will arise for humanity to become a planet of light, love and liberation.  If you want to get a sense of this shift, simply intend to tune into the New Money Matrix and you can feel the flow of incoming money.  I have been doing this ever since the vaults opened and it continues to stream in.  There is so much money pouring in to the Earth now!  Put your energetic cups out and ask to receive in service to the light.

With the opening of the vaults, we are climbing towards another gateway of influx.  The 12-12-12 will create an expansion of the Cosmic Dream Signatures on Earth.  Long before we incarnated on Earth, we dreamed our Earth Dream (and we are still dreaming this as all time is Now).  For many these Cosmic Dreams, carried codes and light sequences which the Earth could not accommodate due to the denser energies of Earth.  As we get closer to our Galactic Re-Alignment, our Cosmic Dream Signatures can find a home on Earth.  As these are incoming, they are imprinting the Earth Hive, the honeycomb design of the New Earth’s grid and the White Gold from the Nectar of the Mother Light infuses them with an Earth code.  This Earth code is like a tag indicating that the dream signature will awaken on Earth.  It is through this Earth encoding that we begin to witness the unfolding of our Cosmic Dreams.  There are infinite dreams we have spun from our cosmic homes.  The activation of the Cosmic Dream Signatures will rapidly accelerate the re-construction of Earth into her destined One Heart projection.

With each incoming Cosmic Dream Signature there is an energetic “match” to an Earth Seed sequence.  The Earth Seeds are varied and expansive.  Just like some seeds can lay dormant in the soil for years and years until the right conditions arise for it to sprout, so have the Earth Seeds been quietly waiting for the right conditions to grow.  A re-positioning with the Pleiadian star system last week began the process of nudging the Earth Seeds out of incubation.  The Pleiadian light activated the Violet Flame of the New Earth through the Mt. Shasta Violet Flame inter-chamber.  This infusion of Pleiadian light upgraded the Violet Flame to the New Earth frequencies.  Many know of the Violet Flame as the Flame of Transmutation.  In the New Earth form, the Violet Flame is a path clearer for the New Earth re-construction and lays the energetic sequence of freedom, liberation and sovereignty as the basis for re-construction.  Newly synergized, the Violet Flame-Pleiadian Light diffused throughout the inner channels of the Earth’s many layers and multi-dimensions within the Earth.  This was like a bell going off to the Earth Seeds to awaken from their slumber and prepare for lift off.

The Earth Seeds are the Keepers of the Earth, the varied fields of consciousness that have held the Earth’s deep history and wisdom.  As a result of this activation, there will be a re-enlivening of the indigenous communities on the planet.  Many indigenous ancestors will return as they receive the signal to come out of the inter-dimensions of Earth where they have waited for the Awakening Time.  New discoveries of Earth’s history will be revealed through the Earth Seeds.  For some this will come through you as your own Earth Seed DNA is turned on again.  With these concurrent processes–the incoming Cosmic Dream Signatures and awakening of the Earth Seeds–Earth and Heaven become One again.

It is through the energetic matching of our Cosmic Dreams with the Earth Seeds that Mother Earth will grow her wings and land us safely into the Cosmic Heart center in nearly a few weeks.  Then, we begin again.  Our Galactic Re-Alignment is like hitting the re-set button on the Clock of Time.  We have a lot of work to do in the decades ahead to build the Cosmic-Earth Dream but we will do so with much more joy, ease and grace than we’ve had at our disposal.  It is a very exciting time, as well as a very busy time.  Who knew that the ‘awakening’ journey was our vacation!  EnJOY your last few weeks of vacation.