Timeline Jumping & Dimensional Shifting

timelineHello!  It’s so wonderful to be blogging again after the birth of my beautiful daughter Leianna.  We are experiencing so much change right now in the Earth reality that the time is ripe to be transmitting messages again.  Before I dive into the energy update, I want to let you know about a new, monthly Energy Transmission & Healing Call I will be doing.  It’s the third Monday of every month.  Each month will be a live transmission and a sharing of what we can expect energetically.  You can sign up for September’s call here.

8/8 Timeline Jump

Beginning on the 8/8 there was a consciousness shift that became available to humanity.  This shift involved upgrading to the New Money Matrix (go here for a free energy transmission to receive the New Money Matrix upgrade) and activating a “loop” on the evolutionary, Ascension Timeline on Earth.  Once activated this “loop” pulls us up in frequency and in “time”.  The impact of connecting into this timeline leap is an acceleration of time, events and healing.  You may be experiencing a rapid integration of new revelations, illusions breaking down and healing.  It’s also important to realize that in such a timeline jump, we can experience deeper polarities of reality with the Ascended Reality–Heaven on Earth–becoming clearer and experienced while the Descended Reality is shaking off of us through everyday experiences.  We indeed live both!

This is a time to truly let go and allow the rushing of timeline ascensions and descensions to move through us.  Be in the moment and OBSERVE what is happening.  Our ability to have an Eagle’s view of our lives will serve us well now.

Diamond Light Upgrade

In the 8/8 timeline jump, we received a greater influx of Diamond Light Essence into our cells through crystal nodes that have wired into our outer energy body, the Diamond Avatar Matrix body specifically.  In receiving this light upgrade we are realigned into a Diamond Heart, Diamond Mind receptivity.  This causes our antennae to the universe to shift and receive and transmit the Language of Light as a Light Being.

Through our Diamond Heart and Mind receptivity, we are sending signals out to the universe–other celestial bodies, star systems, galaxies, ET life, etc.–of the conditions on Earth.  This happens naturally as the light flowing outward from our Diamond Heart and Mind is filtered through Earth grids, dimensions and energy fields; thus, our light transmissions are encoded with Earth’s information.  With this increase in light transmissions outward from Earth, we are calling in greater and greater Cosmic Light transmissions.  This occurs through the Infinity Frequency Effect where every outward transmission connects to an inward transmission–also the basis of Instant Manifestation in Unity Consciousness.

We are now engaged in two-communication between Earth and Cosmic life like never before, which is bringing in new life forms to Earth (some incarnating as humans and some remaining in other dimensions) that both springboard our evolution and challenge it.  Without a doubt, we need to master our skills as energy beings to smooth out this time of ramped up information exchange.

Dimensionally Shifting

With the 8/8 timeline jump, Earth as a whole landed more solidly into her upper dimensional body, which in turn lands us there as well.  What this means is that we are more able to access our higher consciousness and abilities to perceive behind the veil.  This shift can come to us in many ways such as greater clarity of reality, lucid dreaming, clairvoyance, etc.  For those that have already been in a dimensional space of higher perception, you will find that more and more people are meeting you there–a welcome relief as more who awaken to their higher consciousness will amplify the unity field.  We will see in the coming months many awakening through adversity, and there will be Cosmic help and support once they do.

As we near the Equinox in September, the 8/8 transformations will receive an Earth Expansion Signal that will further amplify the higher dimensional awakening.  This will be a time of more Diamond Light Body-infused businesses and innovations (inventions of healing and social technology, specifically) receiving greater visibility and acknowledgement from the collective-human-Earth energy field.  It will seem as if a light switch is turned on and these ventures will become centrally focused to many communities’ priorities.

Until next time, breathe through your unified heart space…call in the Diamond Light and smile from your inner heart.  Peace BEE with you all.



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Turning on the Earth Light: Re-Programming of Source Code for Creation & Unified Heart Activations

Earth LightSpecial Note: There will be a Global Heart Activation Event, March 22nd, to activate your unified heart intelligence, timed with the planetary and cosmic events described below.  Register for the event.

Listen to this Earth Hive Update.

There is a great awakening upon Mother Earth.  The planet is speeding into the future timeline of the Angelic Earth creation.  It is a palpable noticing that the higher reality of the Angelic Earth is coming into view. Some pioneers have landed like astronauts onto her soils, sending reports back to the curious about just what it is that the Angelic Earth is all about.  In this Earth Hive update, I’m streaming from the Cosmic Heart center to relay the process that is underway for the transition into the new Angelic Earth experience.

The New Gateways and Pathways to the Future

Since February we’ve been stumbling with Earth as she makes her way through multi-dimensional gateways that have not been traveled by humanity and Earth for some time.  It is this debris and the process of cutting away at the overgrowth that many of us have felt.  The path isn’t cleared and as a pioneer, you may find yourself needing to wear your protections a little more to make for  a smoother journey through these gateways.  As we make our way through these overgrown paths, we reach a transition point, the Turning Point for Humanity.  This is a new cosmic coordinate that was placed by the Galactic Designers for Source Creation to enable the upshifting of Earth’s frequency (and humanity’s) into the Angelic Earth.

The new cosmic coordinate gives the instructions for new cosmic gateways and paths to be built, providing the galactic super structure for navigating to the Angelic Earth, as well as creating a solid foundation for it within the universe.  Think of the new coordinate like the surveyors flag that points to where to build the new road.  Since this coordinate has been placed there is clarity from Source Creation about how to proceed with this new cosmic construction project.

Those that are building the new gateways and pathways are doing this through the New Human body, which is a mirrored reflection of the Angelic Earth’s super structure of cosmic gateways and pathways.  Your biology is working overtime to re-create, re-adjust and assemble the new forms of structured creation.  We may feel we have to work hard to “get the job done”; yet, there is a support system in place that is bolstering the experience for the New Human.  This support system comes from the streaming light of the New Sun and the expansion of God Source particles that are fueling the New Human’s reality.  To recharge your body and efforts tune into these supports and allow them to operate your biology.

Light Activation of the New Sun & Star Light Energy

These new gateways and pathways are magnetically lined with the energy of the New Sun of the Divine Masculine and Feminine Light.  As we make our way through the overgrown pathways we reach the “yellow brick road”; this is like a fun gift provided by Source Creation making the latter half of the journey to the Angelic Earth an experience of light and curiosity.  Soon this light source streaming from the New Sun will be able to make it’s way to the 3rd dimensional Earth experience via the new piping being built.  This will be around early April, a post Equinox event that will reveal a Dawning of the New Light on Earth.  At this moment–a planned, timed moment in the Source Creation Clock–a radiance of Star Light Energy will flood the Earth from infinite universal directions.  Accompanying this streaming of Star Light Energy will be a rush of galactic elementals from many universes acting as light reflectors (imagine the iridescence of dragonflies’ wings) for the streaming light.  This is a Universal Light Activation for Earth to rapidly speed up the frequency upshift for 3rd dimensional Earth and old human sourcing patterns.

There will be many “light phenomena” witnessed on Earth at this time as Earth is bathed in a full universal light spectrum.  The flash flood of light will reverberate outward from the planet creating a light tidal wave back to the Galactic Center, which then will make it’s way back to Earth.  This will serve to activate a New Wave of Light Relationship between Earth and the Galactic Center, a powerful force that initiates the Turning Point for Humanity.

Re-writing of Source Code for Earth Creation

The New Wave of Light will cleanse “old Earth memory” that contain energy patterns that enslave Earth and Humanity.  A “reversal in electronic spin” and a re-programming in the source coding from bi-nary creation to trinity creation will ensue.  Bi-nary creation will re-pattern itself to express both trinity creation coding (patterns of three being required for manifestation) and a new form of bi-nary creation that allow for polarity expression through a “unified bridge”.  The unifier structure repels separation programming, technologies, consciousness, etc.  The unifying bi-nary creation creates a neutralizing effect and serves to “ground”  and “stabilize” experience and physical forms.  The trinity creation pattern resumes its role in evolutionary creation as guided by Source Energy and God’s Design.  Triad patterning quickly evolves into webbed networks of love-based experiences on Earth.  These are creation forms that emanate out from the unification of the heart.  The 4 heart codes of the unified heart–love, light, power and wisdom–anchor the experience of the New Human God Co-Creator and establish a new guardianship on Earth ruled by the universal principles of the Will of God, Sovereign Heart Creation and Evolutionary Freedom.

Re-Wiring for the Unification of the Heart 

The Angelic Earth heart coding, known as the unified heart, was imprinted into 3rd dimensional Earth in early February to begin the process of re-wiring the function of the human heart to upgrade to the Human Heart-Earth Heart-Cosmic Heart sphere of creation.  This new heart sphere is a portal for heart-based intelligence to re-center humanity as the New Human God Co-Creator through the infinite field of creation, a creation matrix of the infinite possibilities reality.  A unified heart disc is circulating through the 3rd dimensional Earth’s grid to establish contact with awakening heart lights.  At the moment, the progression of the unified heart disc is a slow dance around the planet to create a softening in the human experience of trauma.  At the timed moment of the New Wave of Light the disc will multiple, releasing the unified heart coding across the planet in all directions, and activate the infinity frequency creation field on Earth.

To say that we are in for some miraculous experiences in the next month is an understatement.  We are to witness and engage in the promise of the New Earth Dream.  I send out my love and heart gratitude to all of you that have dreamed this dream.  We are the infinite heart future arriving into the New Dawn.  Namaste!

If you want to receive the unified heart activations and be aligned for these upcoming passages through the heart codes, I will be doing a Global Heart Activation Event, March 22nd (live and recorded call).  Register for the event. 

Curious about the heart activations?  Listen to my conversation with some recently heart activated women on New Humanity Radio. 

The Path of Spiraling Nectar

Beehive SpiralListen to this Earth Hive update.

There is a beautiful orchestration arising out of the Earth Hive, a sequence of events that is ushering in the new substance(s) of matter to co-create the new systems of natural life.  At the heart of this process is the Spiraling Nectar, a multi-dimensional structure of pure life force infused with the Mother’s divine source, Nectar.  In this Earth Hive update, we explore the path of the Spiraling Nectar and the numerous changes resulting from the Nectar-infused Spiral.

Multi-dimensionality and Spiral Dynamics

Early on this year there was a clear message that 2013 would be a year of learning about Spiral Dynamics (see: The New Tree of Life Emerges).  In our transition into a more solid multi-dimensional experience, the Spiral informs us of the very nature of our universe as being formed through and of the Spiral.  We can see this pattern in the natural patterns of life all around us (As Above, So Below).  Energy, or life force, coalescing and moving in the shape of the Spiral.  One of the clear views now is that the Spiral is simply the “way” life creates, but it is the “substance” of the Spiral (as well as how it moves, there are backward and forward spinning Spirals and more!) that determines the outcome.

Inside a natural beehive, the work of the hive is conducted through the Spiral where the bees can zip up and down the Spiral.  They can take the long, winding road up or down or the short cut, through the hexagonal “portals” that land them into a new location in the hive instantly.  The beehive design is a model for our own multi-dimensional travel where access to all locations is possible and the path is totally up to us.  The more masterful we become in working with the dimensions, or infinite possibilities of creation, the more efficiently we can ease in and out of dimensions and assimilate the information for our creations.  Inside the Earth Hive, we are beginning to realize that the experience of dimensional “traveling” is conducted through our heart thoughts, the Hive-Heart Mind, which connects to the One Mind source.  Shifting realities is merely a result of “gathering” our Nectar sources to make honey.

The Spiraling Nectar began to come into Earth at the end of last year when the Cosmic Heart Center re-connected to the Earth’s heart center through the infinity matrix.  The path of the Spiraling Nectar found entry, firstly, through the Human Heart of  Nectar Attractors, those who discovered the sweetness awakening in their own hearts where the Cosmic Heart pulse is revealed within.  At this moment, the Cosmic Dream signatures found a match in the Earth Seeded Hearts.  Requiring a degree of momentum to fully embody the Earth, the Spiraling Nectar has now reached a safe landing into the Earth’s core where Mother Earth is now able to receive the Nectar with ease.

Manifesting through the Spiraling Nectar

While still very early in development, the presence of the Spiraling Nectar in the Earth is changing the way life grows.  When one is filled up with the Spiraling Nectar, which you can embody by traveling into the Earth’s core, a new unification with Nature opens up.  In this unification, you become apart of Nature.  Nature actually re-assimilates you into her life systems, cycles and structures and co-creation becomes a lot easier.  In the Nectar Spiral embodiment, you are recognized by natural life forms (as opposed to the artificial life forms that have been so present on Earth) and from this inter-connection you become both a receiver and transmitter of more and more natural life.  A seamless flow of natural life forms move through and among you.  The plenitudes of nature that come into your favor are processes and forms such as beauty, precision, reciprocity, abundance, richness, diversity, unity, and evolution.  In the re-assimilation process, Mother Earth brings us into her womb, a newly formed energy field that vibrates as the Rose, and we function more like an ecosystem, or Gaia system.  Without this embodiment, we remain separate from Nature and disconnected from the life flows of Mother Earth.

As we begin to play in this new world of being apart of Nature we can experiment with the array of natural life forms to co-create.  Within the Nectar Spiral all natural forms can be manifested.  The Nectar is the “source” substance from which the new manifestations are physically created from.  Thus, within the Nectar Spiral you can choose to create beauty, for instance, within your holographic field simply by calling up the structured form, or energy blueprint, of beauty inside the Nectar.  You can witness instantaneous manifestation of beauty if you choose to take the Spiral “short-cut ” where the merge between different realities is seamless and the “wink” of an eye changes the holographic projection.  Sometimes, the long road is desired for greater understanding of how it works.  The choice is all yours.

How come we couldn’t do this before?  For one, the Nectar was not on Earth, nor activated within our hearts.  And for two, humanity (with a lot of “help” from negative influences…) created an artificial reality that separated us from Nature.  The result of this is a holographic field (your experienced reality) that lay flat, rather than spherical.  In the linear holographic field, the Spiral “pushes” for life to grow in one instance, and holds its breathe in the next to see if, indeed, life will command.  Nectar-based life follows the pattern of the sphere because it contains the vibration of the Mother essence.  Mother essence allows life to expand through the spacious pattern of the sphere that continues into infinity.  Thus, through a Nectar-based life all of our life pulses become spherical in nature.  When we choose to create something new out of the source of Nectar a new sphere, or womb space, is created and life expands out of this fertile space.

In these exciting times, we can become filled up with the Nectar and even replicate the number of Nectar Spiral within us and around us.  Once you begin to notice them, you’ll discover that in the New Earth we are living in the reality of the infinite Nectar Spiral.  And each “speck” of visible and invisible matter contains the whole of the infinite possibilities of natural life systems.  These “specks” are one and the same as the hexagon of the honeycomb design.  Inside each is a Nectar Spiral waiting to be embodied and explored.  Whether you take the long way or the short-cut, I hope you’ll jump in reveal the magic of your co-creations through the Spiraling Nectar.

The High Heart Architecture and the New Rainbow Currents

Crowned Jewels essence, supports the awakening of the Diamond Heart

Crowned Jewels essence, supports the awakening of the Diamond Heart

Listen to this Earth Hive update here.

The March Equinox created a wave of new energies never experienced on Earth before.  We are climbing a frequency ladder that is headed towards full infinity embodiment.  Many are already experiencing this and are assisting the Earth’s collective architecture to embody infinity step by step.  With the Equinox gateway, an opening was created to allow for the first layer of the Earth’s High Heart architecture to be laid.  We have just begun to receive this new structure, and there are many more layers to be received and integrated.  In the months leading up to June, we will experience a greater fluidity co-creating through the High Heart, the portal into Divine Design and co-creation of God’s Will.  Here are the updates I have received from the Earth Hive about our increasing High Heart capacity.

On a recent trip to Puerto Rico, I initiated with the cosmic support of the Rose Family (this is a soul family embodying the divine feminine of the Christ Consciousness) the first installment of the High Heart architecture of Earth.  The High Heart is a chakra center on the hara line (outside the physical body) that is important to our liberation into multi-dimensional beings of light, co-creators of Divine Will.   The High Heart as an energy frequency leads us out of individual consciousness and into universal love consciousness.  It  is from the High Heart consciousness that we are empowered to co-create with the 3 forces of creation:  love, light and power.  When we apply “intent” inspired from divine, sacred wisdom (what I consider the 4th force of creation; we could think of this as human consciousness), the triad forces of creation are activated to manifest Divine Will from the un-manifested realm.  We live in an infinite possibilities reality where it is up to us to tap into the infinite pool of possible realities and apply intent to create so that the unformed may be formed.  The High Heart is the “space” within ourselves from which we co-create.  At this frequency of creation, only those creations that are in alignment with Divine Will will come into form.  The reason being that the High Heart frequency is about universality that which fulfills the universal principles of oneness and love.  Understood more tangibly, co-creation at this level serves group consciousness such as soul groups, spirit consciousness of animal and plant kingdoms, star and galactic groupings, etc.

When one is initiated into the High Heart opening, individual attachments and desires begin to drop away and are replaced by a rising passion to be an instrument of God however you are called to serve.  With this initiation, your eternal nature becomes clear, and there is little room for doubt, confusion and fear.  Inside the High Heart, one is met with the pure source of God (Power), which serves as the substance that fuels creation (I call this God Fuel).  Coming into union with God source is synchronized with your soul essence (Light) coming into your physical body and connecting to the universal frequency of unconditional love (Love).  As we move further along the path in mastering the forces of creation, our heart changes immensely, becoming a portal for the creation forces, the Alchemical Heart, and, ultimately, the Diamond Heart, a unifying agent of Christ Consciousness.

In order for the Earth to embody the High Heart architecture, there needs to be enough humans that have achieved the High Heart frequency to form a group consciousness (this wasn’t always necessary, at least in this exact way, but due to the significant damage to the Earth’s living light grid, human consciousness, intent, is paramount to reviving the Earth’s High Heart architecture).  There is a very small group forming the High Heart consciousness at this time (relative to the whole human population) that served as a stabilizer to support the first layer of High Heart architecture to be laid.  At the moment it is like a very thin sheath, barely visible, that is more like a “target” point for others who will unfold this portal across the globe, making it stronger with each new conscious action taken within the High Heart frequency on Earth.

The current High Heart architecture created three anchor points, Hawaii, Brazil (Alto Paraiso area) and Puerto Rico, which have now been fully bridged, the final bridge completed in Puerto Rico.  This architecture will now be replicated, by those that are called, through other triad creation points, known as Rose Points, around the globe.  The Rose Points are forming a newly inspired Rose Gridwork around the planet (part of the Earth Hive grid) from which the Universal Rose Energies, divine feminine consciousness, pours into the planet.  Beginning very soon the first High Heart installation in North America will be receiving a new transmission, explained to me as the Rainbow Current.  The Rainbow Current will travel the grid lines of the Rose Grid transmitting the higher octaves of the Higher God Self into the planet.  These are the tones of higher God Consciousness, as well as gateways (the 7 gateways of Heaven) to platforms of creation of the Matrix of Creation.  The whales are playing a crucial role in calling in the Rainbow Current as they have been the keepers of the Rainbow Current.  It is because of them that the Rainbow Current is “attracted” to Earth again.

As the Rainbow Current begins to circulate the Rose Grid, “dead” life will be plucked from its path.  While I don’t know how this will be manifested exactly, I’m imaging that this will mean a deeper revealing of that which is “dead” to this planet now, both personally and collectively.  The Rainbow Current will gather speed quickly once it begins and will thus mean some profound, quick alterations of reality into the higher octaves of life.

To prepare oneself for the next few months (June Solstice being the likely end point of these changes), we can begin to work with our Diamond Heart to shift polarized emotions, experiences, situations, etc. into the unity consciousness of the Diamond Heart.  There is a Diamond Heart Integrator Technique that “processes” created forms into Diamond Unification.  Here are the basic steps of the technique:

From the space of your Diamond Heart feel how the forces of creation, love, light, power and wisdom, feed into your heart center (each force moving into the center via the 4-directional cross) to meet with the spiral of infinity.  Set your intention to be in this presence of infinity.

Breathe in and out from the infinity space of the heart for as long as you’d like, or at least until you are certain that you have come fully into your infinite heart center.

As you experience your infinite heart, become aware of the crystalline nature of your heart.  You may hear this as a tone or see or feel the fluid crystalline light refracting and circulating through your heart.

Once you are aware that you are connecting with your Diamond Heart, expand it’s spherical field outward at least 12 feet outside of your body.

From the center of your Diamond Heart there is a central “staff”, a rod with a bend at the top.  Become aware of this staff and expand its diameter as wide as you’d like.  Imagine yourself holding the staff (or simply direct its movement with your consciousness).

When you encounter 3rd dimensional created forms (this includes emotions, situations, persons strongly rooted in 3D, etc.), focus the staff on these energies.  You will notice that there is a diamond facet at the end of the staff that will receive these 3rd dimensional energies.

The staff is in your control, and you can move it as you would like, directing where you would like integration into the Diamond Heart energies to occur.  As you direct the diamond facet to meet with 3rd dimensional energies they will be pulled into the infinity center of your heart (via your staff).  This is all you need to do.  The process will unfold naturally from here, allowing various stages of integration into the Diamond Heart field to occur such as forgiveness, transmutation, harmonization and synchronization.

The Diamond Heart Integrator Technique is most useful in difficult situations and really dense energies that may call for more precise attention.  As you become comfortable with the workings of your Diamond Heart, you can advance to using your entire Diamond Heart field as an integrator.  I advise not doing this right away because there is a risk in damaging your Diamond Heart with exposing it too quickly to lower energies.  By using the staff as the integrator, you can more easily control the point of focus, as well as experiment with your Diamond Heart safely.

I wish you all a good practice and peaceful journey into the High Heart and Rainbow Currents.

Living Within the Nectar of the Heart-Mind

Cosmic Rose

Supernova creates a Cosmic Rose, NASA 2011

Listen to the audio of this Earth Hive update.

There is a palpable awakening at-hand.  As the foundational platform for the New Earth’s awakening has been set for some time now, the natural functioning of light as a source for organic life and heart-centered living is underway.  Many are experiencing spontaneous awakenings as a result of being securely anchored into the new Earth grid, the Earth Hive.  We are embarking on the time of Christ Consciousness where we will know the truth of Jesus’ words “…and better works than I shall you do.”  At the heart of this shift is the emerging of the new brain, the heart.  In the last few weeks, a change in the human mental matrix evolved to allow for us to fully access the Heart-Mind intelligence and to live in the deep reverence of Nectar.

The turning of the annual clock through the March Equinox window, brought in the translucency of the Nectar-based body of life.  The Nectar of the Mother is the divine feminine substance of life that “sparks” the new imagined life into being.  It is this Nectar that we have been missing for centuries, keeping us in a looped cycle of creation of which we are now witnessing a rapid dissolution.  As we have been blanketed by the Nectar of the Mother from the Cosmic Heart Center, our new crystalline bodies of liquid light are coming into re-arrangement to harmonize with the new cellular biology of the stars.  Our stellar bodies are fascinating.  On the local level, we are the embodiment of the new elemental bodies of light, a family of natural Earth consciousness that seeds and feeds our bodies with the nourishment of starlight.  On a cosmic level, we are the embodiment of the infinitely expanding Hearted-Rose Universe, the Body of the Rose, an evolution of the Christ Consciousness into the far reaches of our universe.  Earth is becoming, and leading, the multi-dimensional Rose formation for universal life, a harmonic of the One Love universe.  There will be a time when we realize that our stories of our spiritual past merely seeded this dramatic lift-off for Earth and the universe to a new frontier of the great Heart Story.

At this time, we are being supported by the spirit consciousness of the bees, the sacred shepards of pollinating new life forms.  Again, there are easily two vantage points to see: the bees working to re-assimilate our light bodies on Earth as Rose Pollinating Systems that fuel starlight-charged pollen into the Earth for the re-circulating of natural living systems in the Tree of Life.  From above, the bees are the cosmic pollen weavers that catalyze the birth of new stars and star systems through co-creation with Star Beings of the Cosmic Life Forces.  With the recent bursts of Nectar flushing the Earth’s atmosphere and grounds, we are being re-aligned to the Earth and the Cosmos through the Universal Strands of Light that pull us up and down at the same time.  You may feel that you are being stretched as you must grow “taller” to embody this re-alignment of Earth and Cosmos.

Consciously breathing through this growing process will help immensely to amplify the power of the trinitized life forms (the “actualization” of the flames of co-creation: love, light and power) to ease and aid your new body.  Focusing into your heart center is key to knowing the new ways of your body and presence on Earth.  Indeed, as anticipated the Equinox brought forth new Language of Light codes that are finding a home in many of us.  It is this co-creation of new light codes with our new connection to the Body of the Rose that calls in the Heart-Mind to support our Earth missions.  The Heart-Mind is the multi-dimensional Heart, an infinite portal that integrates through “golden receptors” the incoming and outgoing waves of  Love.  A sort of radio tuner that can connect to the multi-textures of Love throughout the universe.  We can tune and change the dial of our Heart-Mind radio and receive the diversity of love’s intelligence–this is the basis of co-creation, to “tune” the dial to receive a “textured” love frequency from which we can decipher a tangible experience that we may choose to manifest.

The more that we in-tune the dial of the Heart-Mind, the easier it will be to be stretched and transformed into the Body of the Rose.  Early June of this year will result in a “landing” into the Body of the Rose with full force, a truly remarkable experience when we realize how primitive, from a evolutionary perspective, our bodies were before.  It will be important to support your body at this time with the highest vibrations found in our material world from foods to clothing, music and medicines–ask that the elementals of the New Earth re-arrange  your material things, including your food and water so that your body can more easily make the leap into Rose Body Formation.

In the coming month of April, it will be as if we have come into our own magical, mystery tour.  The old world that spoke in linear mathematical equations is now being re-written into the Heart-Mind “mathematics”, a reality that is lived through the narration of the Heart portal.  Infinity language is re-writing our projected reality; this is a language that speaks of “whole”, expanding experiences (as opposed to “lacking”, needful and/or diminishing experiences) where doorways to “more” are discovered at every “point” on the thought map.  We will discover that with the slightest curiosity, a mere thoughtful glance, doorways of wonder are revealed.  These points of wonder will become us as these are our building blocks into the infinite Self that we have been diligently building on the Earth plane.  As we re-collect the building blocks of the infinite Self, we will mirror the language of infinity into the Earth’s holographic field, and those “works” that Jesus insisted we would do better than he will transpire with every in and out breathe.

The Gold at the End of the Rainbow

Since my last blog about the Rainbow Light Body, there have been rainbows showing up everywhere.  Several people have been telling me about the rainbows they are seeing – in the sky, in crystals, and in their dreams.  The quality of the light in these rainbows is notably different–encompassing the new spectrum and new harmonic tones of light coming into the planet now.  There has been a lot of realignment since the emergence of the Rainbow Light Body “embodiment” and the initial activation of the Double Rose Merkaba field.  The bugs are being tweaked out, sometimes literally, as there are many forces not interested in this New Earth vision we are dreaming.  We are now at a new acceleration point from today, 10-10-12, until 11-11-12 where we are re-integrating ourselves, from our physical body to our new rainbow light body, into the Bounty of the New Earth.  This is quite literally about finding our pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

As I write these blogs from the perspective of Earth from a distant cosmic location, I will describe what it is that I am seeing from this view for the Earth Hive in this phase of acceleration.  Mother Earth is still forming her hummingbird body to receive the Nectar of the divine, infinite source, through her specialized Nectar drinking beak.  Her beak, as well as our own, is physically forming through a process of departicularization in the Earth’s core.  From the Earth’s core, Mother Earth is rebuilding her physical body (as her multi-dimensional light body in the unity consciousness timeline is already intact) with the new elemental, biological fields of light that awakened in June.

As Mother Earth is readying herself for the Nectar drink of infinity, the biological codes of “bounty” are locking into the Earth Hive.  The Earth Hive is the New Earth grid being physically woven by the bees to act as a new Earth communication  system.  The Earth Hive receives and transmits via the infinity center of the Galaxy.  This is exactly what we are being prepared to do, communicate through and as infinity!  But before there’s all systems a-go for communication, we need to build up our quotient of gold in the Earth Hive.  The importance of gold for transmission has long been understood (why gold has been stock piled by many in secret for centuries).  In the New Earth there is an upgrade in the quality of the gold utilized for transmission.

A honeybee came to my window in the midst of a rainstorm and showed me the new gold formation in the Earth Hive.  The bees have been stockpiling gold themselves in the Earth’s core!  This gold is still quite old and low vibrationally but with a little re-weaving, it is now turning into white gold and mirrors the design and light reflection of the new sun.  The white gold is parallel in sequence to the new honey (not yet here) as it is created out of the cosmically fueled new pollen.  The new pollen is sourced from a re-configured flower of life pattern based in Shekina (divine feminine) light rays.  The new flowers, created out of the Mother Light, fill Earth’s atmosphere with the pre-cursor of white gold, the pollen dust of distant stars.  Hence, we are embarking on a new pollination system that is Mother Light infused and cosmically seeded.

I have been doing work with the bees to realign the gold and anchor in the white gold into the Earth Hive.  This is happening through a newly discovered vortex complex that functions as both an inward, or backward, sucking deletion and outward, or forward, creation system.  This is how the New Earth is being co-created by the universal forces of light.  As Earth was created from Tiamat (see Zacharia Stichin’s Earth Chronicle series for this history), through this backward sucking vortex energy, which disintegrated (or deleted) Tiamat from the physical universe and the remaining, intact matter became Earth.  Earth thus stabilized and co-created through the “forward” moving vortex of future time.

At this amazing junction point of universal creation, Earth is being led back to the point of original creation in Earth’s time matrix and into the two-way vortex system of deletions and new physical creations.  The bees are working to move the old gold from the Earth’s core and out to the vortex system for departiculization and reparticulization from gold to white.  Finally, this processing is taking hold, and we will see evidence of it in the month ahead as each of us begins to feel we have a stronger foundation to stand on in the New Earth.  Our own infinity body, the infusement of the higher harmonic rainbow light, into our physical biology is gaining the ability to hold the white gold.  We are the vesicles for this miracle on Earth.  It is important now for us to secure our thoughts in the New Earth harmonics, higher rainbow light, as this will allow for the Bounty of the New Earth to find a home in us.

Moving towards the infinity portal of December 21, 2012 this build up of white gold in ourselves and in the global Earth Hive will allow us to further receive the wisdom and gifts of infinity.  On Earth the white gold is equivalent to God’s Nectar and as we prepare with the white gold of Earth’s Nectar we find a harmonious accord with cosmic Nectar source.  And so when the infinity portal opens up on December 21st, and we can drink the cosmic Nectar with our whole body, it will be like becoming reacquainted with our most understanding allies, our best friend, lover, beloved, devoted pets, cherished Earth, purposeful self–this is locked in, eternal connectivity.

From this co-mingling of Nectar sources, we become part of the new pollination system on Earth.  Thus, completing the process of the Double Rose Merkaba energy body.  The center of the Merkaba becomes drenched with the Nectar of the Mother, and we release from the center of the Rose Merkaba star pollen into the Earth’s atmosphere, filling the void spaces with new life and rose-scented essence.  Yes, this is the New Earth, and it is this grand and beautiful!

The Rainbow Light Body and the Rose Merkaba: Emerging into Infinity

A dragonfly died in my midst a couple of nights ago.  I watched as the creature’s wings pulsated with a soft flutter, and she awaited her physical death.  I put a ball of light around her and asked the angels to assist in her transition. The fluttering of her wings stopped.  She quieted, and I heard a beautiful message that she would come back to the Earth as pure light essence.  She would emerge as part of the Earth’s new Rainbow Light Body.  With this message, a puzzle piece was completed, and I felt the emergence of the Rainbow Light and the Rose Merkaba, which will propel us into a new human experience of infinity.

The August Blue Moon (August 31st, 9:58 EST) is providing the support for the awakening of the Rainbow Body and the Rose Merkaba field.  Up until this point in our co-creation of the New Earth, the Rainbow Body and Rose Merkaba field existed in upper dimensions as possibilities for our Earth’s evolution.  We can now access the Rainbow Bridge (a concept long prophesied about) via this August Full Moon.  The moon is creating a gravitional pull towards our passage across the Rainbow Bridge into the New Earth and new human body.   As we align with this field of possibility we move through other fields of possibility.  I’m noticing in this process a false reality projection in the Earth’s grid that can confuse, trick and surprise us.  It may be prudent to be aware of this.  As we are knocking on the door to our God Self, the co-creator God/Goddess, we are moving through personal will to Divine Will, and in this final step towards the Rainbow Bridge take note of what may confuse your way.  Many of us who have come this far to see the Rainbow Light now at the end of the tunnel have mastered the strings of duality that can rock our boat.  What I’m noticing is the “surprise” tactic from the shadows of the old Earth hologram and Self.  It appears to be acting as a function of the “death program” in our collective energy field.  In this time, standing before the Rainbow Bridge we may be taunted by the death program, or simply aware that it is running it’s program somewhere in our reality.  This can be an opportunity to pierce the veil of death and bring the light to all things in our experience.  When we do, the illusion of death becomes visible and the substance of our Earthly and Human matter turns into pure light (it ascends into the heart and beyond!).  What the dragonfly showed me is that in this “death” unveiling process, we become digestors of death and functions of light.

In this time, Earth and humanity is walking to the edge of the bridge where on the other side our future is (it is, in fact, a future timeline, and thus, time may really feel like it’s accelerating the closer you get to the bridge).  Each step towards the bridge we leave the old reality (i.e., timeline) behind.  We are dropping the old humanity and with it the death program, as well as all limiting beliefs that hold us in finite living patterns.   On the other side we are immortal and infinite, and all projections of reality re-aligned with immortality and infinity.  With the support of the elementals, bees especially as the weavers of the new physical Earth grid, and our star families, we are being guided to “land” the Rain Body Light grid into the physical Earth.  It is through the powerful vehicle of the unified heart (the embodiment of our soul light, divine masculine and feminine, God connection, and divine intelligence) that we can bring the infinite possibilities reality through our heart and re-project the Earth’s hologram to reflect infinity and a new cosmic Earth positioning.

As we feel, sense and know this possibility in our hearts, we are drawn over the Rainbow Bridge.  I am seeing on the other side that we come through the rainbow light and these “strands” of light infuse into our physical body aligning us with the rainbow light of the Christ Consciousness.  We are greeted by the “Christ”, which is the intelligence, light and love of our new galaxy, the spiraling Rose Galaxy.  In the rainbow light are the “elements” of our new biology, the new DNA (12 stranded DNA — and even more strands in some cases) that will quickly begin running into our bodies and new reality.  Our biology is supported by the “stars in the blood”, which fully activate and become our new way of assimilating light from the cosmos.  It also becomes a signature in us that says we are of the Christ Consciousness galaxy.  Our cosmic address is in our blood!

The process of assimilating from the old to the new timeline has a gestation period of at least two weeks.  By mid-September I’m understanding there will be a turbo charge, like a rocket ship lifting off, that will support many in fully embodying infinity.  It is through this turbo charge (if you tune into the center of a coffee bean, you will understand this energy signature — thanks to my galactic traveling companion Gabriele of Dimensional Re-Alignment this understanding came through!) that we activate the new Rose Merkaba Field.  The Merkaba is a field of light around the physical body in the formation of two star tetrahedrons.  When the “booster” of the rocket ship comes off we are in our new Merkaba field, which is a reflection of the design of the spiraling Rose Galaxy where the hum of the Cosmic Mother is known to us again.

There have been many ways to get to the Merkaba.  The process unfolding before us now is to emerge into the Merkaba field organically through the womb of the Cosmic Mother.  (A process that began in the Earth’s grid as the formation of the Star of David – see New Earth Formations.)  The star formations are like two roses facing one another and spiraling into our center to become the Double Rose Merkaba.  The frequency of infinity propels the spin of the two rose-stars, and in our heart center infinity begins as a four-petaled flower emerging outward into greater “flowered” expansions.  We come into re-alignment with the organic flower of life design with the capability of co-creating new expanses of infinity.  As co-creators, we re-align with the many textures of love, which serve as our inspiration to create.  It’s going to be a very, very interesting next couple of months as we realize our new found reality and dream the infinite dreams!

In these months ahead, I am knowing the grace of this process for Earth and Humanity.  That a group of brave, bright lighted beings will lead the way across the Rainbow Bridge will ease the passage for all as the heavens open up at the close of the year with the alignment of December 21, 2012.  For those that know this is their passage at this time, we are the peace emissaries from many star nations, and we have with us the amazing support of the Earth’s natural kingdoms.  I continue to be amazed by how the elementals in their multi-dimensional form are expressing the design of our organic evolution into freedom, sovereignty and liberty.  If at this time, you need extra support call on the elementals that are here with you to brave the layers of dis-illusionment and re-member the way of Truth.  Namaste and joyful crossing!