Turning on the Earth Light: Re-Programming of Source Code for Creation & Unified Heart Activations

Earth LightSpecial Note: There will be a Global Heart Activation Event, March 22nd, to activate your unified heart intelligence, timed with the planetary and cosmic events described below.  Register for the event.

Listen to this Earth Hive Update.

There is a great awakening upon Mother Earth.  The planet is speeding into the future timeline of the Angelic Earth creation.  It is a palpable noticing that the higher reality of the Angelic Earth is coming into view. Some pioneers have landed like astronauts onto her soils, sending reports back to the curious about just what it is that the Angelic Earth is all about.  In this Earth Hive update, I’m streaming from the Cosmic Heart center to relay the process that is underway for the transition into the new Angelic Earth experience.

The New Gateways and Pathways to the Future

Since February we’ve been stumbling with Earth as she makes her way through multi-dimensional gateways that have not been traveled by humanity and Earth for some time.  It is this debris and the process of cutting away at the overgrowth that many of us have felt.  The path isn’t cleared and as a pioneer, you may find yourself needing to wear your protections a little more to make for  a smoother journey through these gateways.  As we make our way through these overgrown paths, we reach a transition point, the Turning Point for Humanity.  This is a new cosmic coordinate that was placed by the Galactic Designers for Source Creation to enable the upshifting of Earth’s frequency (and humanity’s) into the Angelic Earth.

The new cosmic coordinate gives the instructions for new cosmic gateways and paths to be built, providing the galactic super structure for navigating to the Angelic Earth, as well as creating a solid foundation for it within the universe.  Think of the new coordinate like the surveyors flag that points to where to build the new road.  Since this coordinate has been placed there is clarity from Source Creation about how to proceed with this new cosmic construction project.

Those that are building the new gateways and pathways are doing this through the New Human body, which is a mirrored reflection of the Angelic Earth’s super structure of cosmic gateways and pathways.  Your biology is working overtime to re-create, re-adjust and assemble the new forms of structured creation.  We may feel we have to work hard to “get the job done”; yet, there is a support system in place that is bolstering the experience for the New Human.  This support system comes from the streaming light of the New Sun and the expansion of God Source particles that are fueling the New Human’s reality.  To recharge your body and efforts tune into these supports and allow them to operate your biology.

Light Activation of the New Sun & Star Light Energy

These new gateways and pathways are magnetically lined with the energy of the New Sun of the Divine Masculine and Feminine Light.  As we make our way through the overgrown pathways we reach the “yellow brick road”; this is like a fun gift provided by Source Creation making the latter half of the journey to the Angelic Earth an experience of light and curiosity.  Soon this light source streaming from the New Sun will be able to make it’s way to the 3rd dimensional Earth experience via the new piping being built.  This will be around early April, a post Equinox event that will reveal a Dawning of the New Light on Earth.  At this moment–a planned, timed moment in the Source Creation Clock–a radiance of Star Light Energy will flood the Earth from infinite universal directions.  Accompanying this streaming of Star Light Energy will be a rush of galactic elementals from many universes acting as light reflectors (imagine the iridescence of dragonflies’ wings) for the streaming light.  This is a Universal Light Activation for Earth to rapidly speed up the frequency upshift for 3rd dimensional Earth and old human sourcing patterns.

There will be many “light phenomena” witnessed on Earth at this time as Earth is bathed in a full universal light spectrum.  The flash flood of light will reverberate outward from the planet creating a light tidal wave back to the Galactic Center, which then will make it’s way back to Earth.  This will serve to activate a New Wave of Light Relationship between Earth and the Galactic Center, a powerful force that initiates the Turning Point for Humanity.

Re-writing of Source Code for Earth Creation

The New Wave of Light will cleanse “old Earth memory” that contain energy patterns that enslave Earth and Humanity.  A “reversal in electronic spin” and a re-programming in the source coding from bi-nary creation to trinity creation will ensue.  Bi-nary creation will re-pattern itself to express both trinity creation coding (patterns of three being required for manifestation) and a new form of bi-nary creation that allow for polarity expression through a “unified bridge”.  The unifier structure repels separation programming, technologies, consciousness, etc.  The unifying bi-nary creation creates a neutralizing effect and serves to “ground”  and “stabilize” experience and physical forms.  The trinity creation pattern resumes its role in evolutionary creation as guided by Source Energy and God’s Design.  Triad patterning quickly evolves into webbed networks of love-based experiences on Earth.  These are creation forms that emanate out from the unification of the heart.  The 4 heart codes of the unified heart–love, light, power and wisdom–anchor the experience of the New Human God Co-Creator and establish a new guardianship on Earth ruled by the universal principles of the Will of God, Sovereign Heart Creation and Evolutionary Freedom.

Re-Wiring for the Unification of the Heart 

The Angelic Earth heart coding, known as the unified heart, was imprinted into 3rd dimensional Earth in early February to begin the process of re-wiring the function of the human heart to upgrade to the Human Heart-Earth Heart-Cosmic Heart sphere of creation.  This new heart sphere is a portal for heart-based intelligence to re-center humanity as the New Human God Co-Creator through the infinite field of creation, a creation matrix of the infinite possibilities reality.  A unified heart disc is circulating through the 3rd dimensional Earth’s grid to establish contact with awakening heart lights.  At the moment, the progression of the unified heart disc is a slow dance around the planet to create a softening in the human experience of trauma.  At the timed moment of the New Wave of Light the disc will multiple, releasing the unified heart coding across the planet in all directions, and activate the infinity frequency creation field on Earth.

To say that we are in for some miraculous experiences in the next month is an understatement.  We are to witness and engage in the promise of the New Earth Dream.  I send out my love and heart gratitude to all of you that have dreamed this dream.  We are the infinite heart future arriving into the New Dawn.  Namaste!

If you want to receive the unified heart activations and be aligned for these upcoming passages through the heart codes, I will be doing a Global Heart Activation Event, March 22nd (live and recorded call).  Register for the event. 

Curious about the heart activations?  Listen to my conversation with some recently heart activated women on New Humanity Radio.